Organiste: The Classical Arts and Pipe Organ Connection
Our mission is to heighten the awareness of the Pipe Organ and Classical Arts Communities. is a web arts marketing service that provides a variety of e-services to keep the pipe organ and classical arts communities connected by publicizing organ recitals, classical music concerts, and other classical arts events. Special emphasis is given to all aspects of the pipe organ community with information on artistic development and education, workshops, and articles of more general interest. Directed to a culturally-educated, diverse reading audience throughout the U.S. and the world.
Services include a calendar of upcoming events of pipe organ recitals, classical concerts in Ney York, Florida, US, and the world, classical jazz and other classical arts events. To reach the public, Organiste provides email marketing and publicity services, calendar listings, media notifications, dedicated eblasts, listings of Concert Artists, Job Listings, Social Media, ePublications and newsletters. Web design and maintenance, web hosting and graphics design services are also provided to support arts organizations and artists.